The drink before the storm
It’s worthwhile mentioning that Yann surpassed himself with the menu once more.
View ArticleNothing is more magical than the wonder in the eyes of a child at Christmas
After a great dinner we started opening gifts. “We” – that was only Nora at first, of course, who was wonderful to watch discovering her gifts. Truly glowing eyes, I tell you. I was quite amazed once...
View ArticlePhoto diary of 2½ men plus half a girl out and about…
After breakfast, both Nagi and I took a baby, strapped them into a stroller each and went for a walk. The late morning was sunny with blue skies and we had nice views walking once more towards the...
View ArticleThe master of a pile of Christmas presents: enter Oskar!
Yesterday night everybody but Oskar got their presents. Don’t give me that look! – it got late and the boy needs his sleep. So do his parents. Not that they get much sleep these days… but I digress....
View Article… and a photo with everybody
Surprisingly good (i.e. sharp) photo… Jean-Habib and Lisa’s trolley worked as an excellent tripod. Hum. I should have taken the lens cap out of my breast pocket: looks like I have a fuel tank opening...
View ArticleLicense key dilemma [updated]
Okay. Google meant well. I get it. It’s just their execution leaves much to be desired. But from the start: As I was working through the Christmas photos of the last days, I wanted to use my Nik...
View ArticleSketching [updated]
It does not look like much, but at least I got started again on drawing and sketching. The main difference since my last sketching bursts is that drew directly on the iPad, using ProCreate and my Pogo...
View ArticleDisneyland 2013
Today Joy, Yann, Lamia and I spent another day at Disneyland Paris. Instead of taking photos I decided to only shoot video because I intended to build a little movie trailer out of it at the end of the...
View Article“What’s up with the blog dude? You’re lazy or what?”
Ah, shut up… no time to write. But okay, some quick updates: Happy New Year! Yeah… we’ve made it another year! And what a year this 2013 was! Gee! 2012 might have been busy with wedding and moving to...
View ArticleMature content!
When vanity hits me, I am checking my blog’s rank on sites like Looks like today I got a ranking of below #10’000’000, which is my best so far. Not that this is anything...
View ArticleSmart Marketing…
I might bitch about these guys, but placing this amazing product into the gear of the crew that cleaned up after New Year’s eve on Time Square is smart. And it’s a great product that delivers great...
View ArticleBag of hurt
Shit! Doubleshit! I did something real stupid: when I got my new laptop, I had to re-setup my Time Machine backup drive. I had just transferred all my files on the new machine and the same files were...
View ArticleProlonged life
When we bought that set of Billy shelves it replaced that big wine rack we once bought for our storage room in Belgium. We got rid of it by placing it in the garbage room on our floor, outside of the...
View ArticleI just can’t get the little guy to sleep…
Lamia seems to be the only person who can rock him to sleep at the difficult 7:45 pm slot…
View ArticlePace
It’s as if I am cursed: I can rock Oskar to bed at the 11:30 pm slot and at the 6:30 am slot. But the critical 7:45 pm slot after the bath I seemingly can not manage. It’s difficult because it’s at a...
View Article24
When we were in France over Christmas and the whole French side of the family was together, Lisa got a message from Jean-Habib’s company in Canada that he was awarded “Rep Of The Year”. Quite...
View ArticleRemodeling
It started with something harmless. Since we’re back from Europe we have Oskar sleeping in the baby room, not anymore with us in the master bed room. That’s a good thing. Now we can have a conversation...
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