Keeping busy
We disconnected our sofa to clean inbetween the two pieces and also remove the black fabric that was stapled to the bottom of the sofa and that came off in the past few months (I love that sofa and...
View ArticleDolphin style
At today’s swim class Oskar was amazing! I’ve already noticed last week that he is now more confident. Today he did exceptionally great. He kicked in the water, he dived, he jumped… it was simply...
View ArticleSunday visitors
We had Linda and Hsien over for lunch today. As always, chatting away with these guys is always enjoyable. Before they left I’ve demanded to have a photo, of course, and this time Lamia took the shot,...
View ArticleChinese New Year at the school
I left work early today to join the Chinese New Year’s celebration at Oskar’s school. I arrived a little late, but think I only missed the speech of the principal and some performance of the older...
View ArticleSpoonful of syrup
I hate it when the kids are sick. Well. Technically, so far only Oskar has been sick, really. Thomas is still protected by the breastmilk, so he will only start getting sick in a few weeks from now....
View ArticleNaked butt tooth brushing
This one cracks me up: Reminds me also that we want to re-try potty training over Chinese New Year…
View ArticleUp high
This morning for breakfast I thought it would be worthwhile checking whether Thomas can already sit in the high chair. He can… … for a few minutes and then he gets uncomfortable. Still love the photo.
View ArticleA peeing success
We’ve tried potty training Oskar before. The first time was pretty much exactly a year ago, when Oskar was 17 months old. The second try was 3 months after that. In both cases we did not have much to...
View ArticleErg…
I know, I know… Well, back then I said I would not buy one in November. So, I stuck to that…
View ArticleiPad Pro… and then some
Look what DHL brought… Unpacking the iPad Pro is a little weird. It’s like getting a 13″ MacBook, but somebody forgot to attach the keyboard. Let’s see what it came with, shall we? Thinking about the...
View ArticleD()ckheads
Apple currently has a wall plug adapter exchange program for certain wall plugs produced during a period 12 years (the so called “duckheads” which are an elegant solution to make any iOS or Mac power...
View ArticleEducational, part 2
When Oskar was 4 1/2 months old, I took a wonderful photo of him on the jigsaw play mat we got for him around that time. I wanted to do the same with Thomas for a little while now, but always postponed...
View ArticleDie Haare schön…
Both Oskar and I got a haircut today. Looking good! Photo credit: Lamia x x x
View ArticleBrunch
Rhona and Peter came by for brunch this morning and enjoyed Lamia’s excellent banana pancakes, fruits, coffee, juice… you know: whatever you expect for a brunch. Oskar did not bother much about that,...
View ArticleGetting close
3 weeks since the last update and now you can actually see that a house is missing (just where the opposite tower and the blue roofed line of houses intersect. Soon Marymount Terrace will look very...
View ArticleReturn to sender… or not
So I had tried to be a good citizen and figure out the correct DHL account number with Apple’s customer service after they had replaced the duckhead adapters and provided one which DHL did not accept...
View ArticleAin’t no houses here
With Marymount Terrace getting knocked down, I took Oskar a bit closer to the action tonight. He was quite excited. Most of the work area is hardly visible due to the huge fence and dust protection....
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