Going home
Today we are flying back to Singapore. It’s crazy how fast a month passed by (and I yet have to be grateful, of course, that my management actually gave me 4+ weeks of vacation in a row). I have...
View ArticleWe are home!
And damn it! – even a 12 hour flight is still very long when you fly with a toddler and a baby. The flight overall was okay-ish. Not great, but there was no further Air France screw-up, the crew was...
View ArticleTwitter update
Both kids jet lagged. Sigh. This is going to be a long, long night. — Leo (@kritzeltweets) December 29, 2015
View ArticleThis is going to go down now for real
I went grocery shopping with Aggie today and this is how the street opposite of our condo looks like right now. Already a year ago there had been plans to take down these houses as a first step for...
View ArticleSurprise parcel
This was unexpected: we received a nice parcel from California today from my side of the family over there: All presents for Oskar and Thomas, of course. And Tatjana proves that she is already a better...
View ArticleJet lagged kiddos
Lamia and I are dead tired. Both Oskar and Thomas are jet lagged and they both wake up at night. Thomas seems to get into a better place again rather quickly (which I think is quite usual for a baby)...
View Article2016
Oh, happy new year to you and your loved ones! Luck, happiness, love, riches, … it’s for you to make that happen and you have my blessing. We did not do anything fancy tonight. We stayed home like old,...
View ArticleA bedroom for Thomas
I had already started on Thursday to change our guest room into a room for Thomas. Tonight is going to be the first night Thomas will sleep on his own in our apartment (he also did for 2 weeks at my...
View ArticleTiredness update
We’re still tired, but the overall sleeping situation in the house has massively improved. Both Lamia and I found pockets of sleep here and there which helped a bit. Thomas is thankfully sleeping full...
View ArticleFette Sau!
So there you have it: I’ve gained 4 kg during my 4 weeks in Europe. 1 kilo per week, which compares to roughly losing 1 kilo per month until we were flying to Europe end November. Saturday was the...
View ArticleFitness update
Today is the second time since we are back from Europe that I worked out in the gym. Last time was a week ago for half an hour on the tread mill, running at a pace of 11.5 km/h – and I could not keep...
View ArticleA night at the hospital
Oskar has had a bad cough for a while. I am not sure when it really started, but it might have been even before our trip to Europe in December. We always brushed this away as the result of going to...
View ArticleIt never stops
Oh god…! What a shitty week! So, after Oskar had come back from the hospital things seemed to look up. We continued with the nebulizing and this went pretty well. And that’s amazing considering that...
View ArticleBack to school
I forgot to mention earlier that with being sick, Oskar had lost a bit of weight, too. This did not worry us too much, but he also seemed to have pain when he was eating. It was difficult to make out...
View ArticleAppreciation Night
Every year we have a “appreciation night” at work which takes place shortly before Chinese New Year. Party poop that I am, I don’t like to go there (especially when Lamia’s not joining like this time,...
View ArticleRiding the bus
Oskar is now 2 years and 4 months. Since the first school day of January he is on a full day kindergarten schedule and it goes well. That’s great, because we wanted to make sure Aggie does not have to...
View ArticleFeed my Doxie
Last week I bought a document scanner in the US. I had it shipped through my Comgateway address and it actually arrived 2 days early last Saturday. It’s a cool piece of gear: it scans documents and...
View ArticleWeekend photo picks
I took a few photos of the kids last Saturday and I just did not get to upload them to the blog on the weekend. So here we go… It’s such a joy to have Thomas smile at you. Likewise, seeing Oskar...
View Article2 down, but not yet in sight
Since a month ago two houses have been taken down, but it happened on the far left, so we cannot yet see how one house after the other is disappearing. If you look closely and compare to the last photo...
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