And damn it! – even a 12 hour flight is still very long when you fly with a toddler and a baby.
The flight overall was okay-ish. Not great, but there was no further Air France screw-up, the crew was reasonably attentive and yes: it’s always stressful to fly with kids. Nothing else was adding to the stress, so that’s fine. Oskar was a little difficult at the beginning of the flight when I changed him and he really drove me nuts in that tiny restroom. Afterwards he was very sweet, however, watched bits and pieces of movies and even tried on my noise cancelling headphones.
Both kids slept quite long, so we are going to have a few tough nights ahead of us with jet lagged little tykes.
But we’ve made it and I have now nearly a week before I have to go to the office. Also, Aggie was picking us up with the second car seat for Oskar and we even managed to fit all our stuff into one large cab (in case of doubt, take the Mercedes Vito – the Hyundai equivalent mini van that is used for taxis in Singapore, too, is shit and has no space).
Once home we had to get organized with the kids, but Aggie had done a wonderful job to make our arrival pleasant: the whole place was spic and span, there was food in the fridge and we even got flowers. Such a great feeling we did not have to worry about mold at all :)