Knocking down the terrace
Tuesday See the excavator arm over there? Wednesday Nibbling at that house… Today One by one they are coming down. Street noise is increasing…
View ArticleOne by one…
I know, I’m repeating myself… … but I find it fascinating to see the daily progress now.
View ArticleBiting
Yes, there are a lot of construction site photos on the blog these days, but – well: it is fascinating to watch that excavator surgically taking houses apart… After removing the core, visually it’s...
View ArticleAnd then there were three…
Pretty impressive progress across the street… I also walked to one of our pools with Oskar to look at the action from another angle. Was not easy to pull Oskar away from this…
View ArticleQuadruple
Thomas is now turning nearly all the way by himself. Always smiling :) And a cutie pie, just like his big brother.
View Article6 months Who’s Who?
Thomas is 6 months old today. Time to make that collage I was thinking of for a while now, showing Oskar and Thomas at similar ages in the first 6 months of their lives. So, who’s who? Okay, it’s not...
View ArticleBrothers
I love this photo… … and I hate that in a series of shots, this is the best based on how they look and how they are positioned. And of course it is the one photo that was accidentally focused on the...
View ArticleFrance-Germany: 3-3
It has been a little while now that the official nationality count in our family was 3:2. Three French versus two Germans. The reason is, of course, that we’ve had the French passport for Thomas...
View ArticlePotty training update
6 weeks ago, Oskar’s potty training started amazingly well. We were so proud how things went and he seemed to pick up the routine really quickly. Since then we had some setbacks, however. The trouble...
View ArticleSingapore Futureworld
Lamia has this thing where she keeps up to date with what happens on the island. She reads relevant stuff (not that my detailed knowledge of what Apple is unveiling during their next keynote would not...
View ArticleThe stand
While we still have to see whether Thomas will be as quick as Oskar to pick up standing and walking, something “clicked” recently and for a few days now his sitting has improved and he seems to get...
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