Egg artists
After Linda, Hsien and Zac had left, we ran a few errands in Bishan and then got the kids ready for their first ever egg painting session. And yes, I know white eggs would have been better, but brown...
View ArticleOskar’s and Thomas’ egg hunt
And then Easter came. Lamia and I got up early as always and finished our pre-worked Easter gifts for the kids by adding the chocolate. For making it easy to know which find belongs to whom, I had...
View ArticleOutside
You might say that hunting for Easter eggs in your home is not conveying the right Easter spirit. What? Yeah, I mean the commercial, kids focused one – not the religious one. Obviously. Geez! Anyway:...
View ArticleWashing machine and dryer – now and then
This is something I wanted to post in a while but I just did not get to it. And then I forgot. But it’s just another testament of how quickly those kids grow – something you only appreciate when you’re...
View Article“Are they dead?”–“Maybe they sleep…”
Last week I was in Guangzhou, China, and so I missed it when Oskar brought home two turtles on Friday. This is a school project where the class is taking care of the turtles during the week and each of...
View ArticleLightroom Mobile Realworld Test
Okay, it is now a little while since we’ve travelled to Europe and celebrate Christmas with our family. But there is one thing that I wanted to write about and I have not done so, yet: remember, I...
View Article#AirFrance #2years #later
We’ve had our ups and downs with Air France, but even though they’ve done okay since we had the worst experience with them roughly 2 years ago, we are always bracing ourselves for the worst when we go...
View ArticleCarousell
Next to the supermarket which is close to where Joy and Yann live there’s currently a charming little carousell. So when we took a walk today with the kids, we naturally could not pass by without Oskar...
View ArticleA playground in Montrouge
Later today we walked the kids to a nice little playground. It was adoreable how much Oskar and Thomas had just running around, exploring and especially with Nagi. And yes, I used Clips again. This...
View ArticleMénagerie – Le Zoo du Jardin des Plantes
After a quiet and restful night (also thanks to Joïakine’s and Yann’s generosity of giving us both their bed room and the guest room, just as they did during our last visit in December) we had...
View ArticleAnother playground in Montrouge
There are some. Here are the kids on the way to yet another playground. And here we have the (predominantly) wild action that occurred on location… Just makes me smile looking at this…
View ArticleFamily photo
Nagi had asked me yesterday to take a photo of the family and it came as it had to come: we were kinda busy during the day, we ran late and then the kids were ready to go to bed. And we will fly to...
View ArticleDeutschland
The cab to take us to the airport for our 9:05 am flight to Stuttgart was scheduled to pick us up at 6:30. I have no problems getting up early, but I hate all the commotion and rush when you travel...
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