The cab to take us to the airport for our 9:05 am flight to Stuttgart was scheduled to pick us up at 6:30. I have no problems getting up early, but I hate all the commotion and rush when you travel with a huge pile of suitcases and two kids (I love them dearly, buy traveling with toddlers is always an adventure). Consequently, we got up real early today and I passed on my shower to have some additional buffer in case things would take longer than expected.
It was just the opposite.
As always, Lamia had done an unparalleled job to pack the bags – I did good, too, but let’s face it: I only had to pack half a suitcase with my three pairs of socks, two undies and a toothbrush. Lamia, however, virtually managed the luggage of a small village. And she had done it so well that everything was arranged perfectly fine. The kids got up without much trouble. And well ahead of the taxi arriving, Nagi, Fely and Daad arrived to help with our truck load of stuff.
It was a military machine, timed with the perfection of Swiss clockworks.
Needless to say that after the good-byes, we had a nice, straight run to the airport, too. No traffic. No trouble. This can be roads in Paris, too.
Once at the airport, we checked in at a very weird new kiosk. It looks like terminal 2G (arguably the smallest terminal at Charles de Gaulle airport from which the flights to Stuttgart leave) is experimenting aggressively with a more aggressive self-service approach. Nothing speaks against that, but it was baffling that even though we had a person helping us operate the kiosk, this whole process took unsettlingly long. We did ask to simply go to a regular check-in desk, but it turns out the old check-in desks seems to have been removed completely. Funny shit.
But I do not want to complain: once we had our tickets printed, the experience was flawless – pretty much as always when we are at Charles de Gaulle. I am saying this even though this time I had quite the jackass at the security check, who seemed to struggle with the concept that a toddler might be scared and confused and hence not necessarily as cooperative as he could be. We’ve had way worse in the past at other airports and like I said: CDG rarely gives reason to complain these days.
We spent a little time in the – for such a small terminal – luscious AirFrance lounge and then it was already time to board our plane to Stuttgart.
The flight went well and was on time.
The taxi I ordered was there (with the car seat I had asked them to pick up from my parents’ place).
And soon enough we were in Remseck where my parents happily welcomed us.
I am back at my childhood home…