Old vs New
Top: my old messenger bag Bottom: the new messenger bag Lamia got me for my birthday The new one is super nice and elegant – very grown up. It does not have the same flex as the old one, so I cannot...
View ArticleMapped
A few weeks ago WordPress notified me that my domain mapping was about to expire. Domain mapping enables using my custom domain for this blog versus using wordpress.com. It’s of course still hosted on...
View ArticleAt the Animal Resort
When it comes to weekend planning and you check with me for ideas, you’d get an answer like this: Leo: I’ve got nothing! Lamia, however, always has something. Sometimes something big, sometimes...
View Article3x Thomas
Even when he is a little more difficult than normal (like today), Thomas is just such a lovable boy…
View ArticleSuits
Today marks the first day we took Thomas to the pool. Before we got serious, I could not help but use the opportunity to take a photo of both Oskar and Thomas in their swim suits… I can tell that in...
View ArticleA breath of air
In Singapore you will not find an outlet in a bathroom – at least not in buildings that were constructed more recently. This is a small inconvenience in general: you simply charge your electric...
View ArticleFresh brew
My Nespresso machine is now broken for quite a while. It does brew coffee, but it stops pouring it after every 5 ml or so, which is rather annoying. Then Lamia suggested she could buy me a new one for...
View ArticleMeadow
After I picked up Oskar from the school bus today, he dragged me once more to the construction site to look at the action. Unfortunately there wasn’t much to see today because the truck that picked up...
View ArticleDelivery services and online grocery shopping in Singapore
I do our weekly grocery shopping every Friday night. Since we have two kids, I am going alone and Lamia and Aggie take care of the kids’ night time routine. Doing the grocery shopping alone is...
View ArticleRewire those ears!
I had bought my excellent Jaybirds Bluebuds X in April ’15 and they broke down a year later. The customer service of these things is really not bad, though, and they were willing to replace my set with...
View ArticleMore meadow
In the meantime the fence that was still there last time Oskar and I did that walk is gone, and so are most of the other, larger green fences which were set up around the construction site in the past...
View ArticleQuality control
I somehow had thought that the amazingly quick growth of grass on the construction site had been due to the amazing tropical nature of Singapore. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Things grow of course fast in...
View ArticleDo you remember how this looked like before?
And it looks like the demolition is as good as complete. Just a few more spots of grass to plant, some fences to remove, the last excavator to drive to its next site, some screws to collect and we’ll...
View ArticlePaying with the twist of the wrist
I totally forgot to write about my experience with Apple Pay. Apple Pay launches fully in Singapore, five major banks live today https://t.co/0nauMNisEV via @benlovejoy — Leo (@kritzeltweets) May 25,...
View ArticleUneasy nights
Thomas has been quite sick these last days. It started to go bad on the weekend and the night from Sunday to Monday was a disaster. It’s the first time in months that I saw Thomas being truly unhappy,...
View ArticleWhat are they up to?
I know, I know: the stories on my blog have become even more dull. Well, live with it. When I have more time to write something more meaningful, I will do that, too. Tonight I just wanted to quickly...
View Article10 little china dolls
A few days ago we finally received the class photo of Oskar. This was taken end of April and we were excited: this was the first “official” school photo memory he got. The preparation was less...
View ArticleFather’s Day at Oskar’s school
Oskar’s school had sort of screwed up the Mother’s Day communication in May and Lamia was only informed 2 days ahead of the event. For Father’s Day they clearly tried to avoid making the same mistake...
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