Swans are mean!
In the afternoon we walked to the, hum, let’s call it “beach” of my home town to feed the ducks. Turns out there was a big swan there today, too. And as my wife likes to say: Lamia: Swans are mean!...
View ArticleThey are not really supposed to sit here…
… but then again: how much more often will they be able to sit here at all before they are too big?
View ArticleHöhenpark Killesberg #1: Playground
This morning Alex, Silke and Fabian took us to a tour around Höhenpark Killesberg, a lovely park area in Stuttgart. I have not been here in many years (it actually might be a decade or something), so I...
View ArticleHöhenpark Killesberg #2: Horse Sculpture
Oskar with a Stuttgart landmark… Well, or let’s at least say that horses are kind of a thing in Stuttgart.
View ArticleHöhenpark Killesberg #3: Killesbergturm
The Killesberg tower was constructed some 15+ years ago and is a must see when you are at Höhenpark Killesberg. It’s been a few years since I’ve been at the top and while it only takes you 40 m above...
View ArticleHöhenpark Killesberg #5: Killesbergbahn
There is a lovely train running through the park area, and different from the fun but rather basic one at Blühendes Barock in Ludwigsburg, this one is the real deal. The tracks circle pretty much all...
View ArticleAccidental birthday lunch place
Today’s my birthday and for lunch we drove up Kappelberg to Panorama restaurant. The place has a nice view and we were lucky with the weather. Actually, I had accidentally booked this restaurant. The...
View ArticlePresents
At my age birthday presents are not that important anymore. (Heck! Did I really just write “at my age”?!) The older you get, the more you acknowledge how important it is to be with people you love....
View ArticlePlayground
I took Oskar and Thomas to the playground opposite of where Carola used to live. They’ve changed the place a little, but it’s still a decent enough playground. Lots of spiders in the wood chips on the...
View ArticleLump in throat moments…
I dropped by Alex and Silke’s place tonight to have a chat and catch up some more. I am always amazed how fast time rushes past me when I am in Germany – at first I think there is plenty of time to do...
View ArticleIt’s not an age thing…
This sweater is simply hideous. Makes you wonder what weirdo is designing clothes like that… Edit June 19: The sweater has found a new home at a second hand shop in the meantime. Makes me smile to...
View ArticleThe question is: who is carrying all of that stuff?!
Just a few things to take back to Singapore…
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