The times we live in
No, this is not about Brexit, Trump or any of the other shit that is going on in the world and that could make you lose faith in humanity or basic intelligence. Or both. No, this is just another story...
View ArticleStarbucks vs Dentist
The last time I’ve been to the dentist is… hum… maybe 2 years ago. Don’t make that face! I am still brushing my teeth. It’s just I did not go because… well. I was busy, okay? So, I got a message from...
View ArticleTeam Papa
I’ve nearly made it. Lamia is traveling this week, spending quality time in Japan, and I am in charge of the kids. Well, during the day I am working and Aggie takes care of Thomas and the French school...
View ArticleEs war der Abend vor Nikolaus…
… und die Bratzen hatten ihre kleinen Schuhchen brav vor die grosse Schiebetür zum Balkon gestellt. Maman und Papa hatten ihnen erklärt dass der knochige, alte Knecht Rupprecht in Badehose und...
View ArticleGotcha!
You always have to be quick to catch Thomas when he is whizzing from left to right on our bed. He gets awfully close to the edge and we worry he might just fall down…
View Article#bigday
We’re leaving tonight to Europe for a little while, but over lunch I had the pleasure to attend a little gathering where I was also presented with this nice gift. Question is: who gets the bear? Oskar...
View ArticleSunday morning
We have nicely arrived in Germany. The flight was not too bad, way better than what we suffered last year, but we are all tired and jetlagged. The kids do okay – Thomas wakes up during the night and...
View ArticleSunday noon
After our little morning photo shoot, Oskar, my mom and I went to Escher’s Lädle to purchase a Christmas tree. Not an easy task. It has to look nice, of course. And it should of course meet all the...
View ArticleSunday afternoon
Later today, Alex, Silke and Fabian came over to visit. Silke had made a Hefezopf which was a great addition to the coffee, tea and cake my mom had already prepared. We were chatting, we ate and the...
View ArticleLittle hands and the Christmas tree
The Christmas tree was initially supposed to arrive yesterday, but this did not work out. I just got ready this morning to run a few errands when a van arrived and sure enough, there it was: the tree...
View ArticleThe tree (remastered)
While I was grocery shopping with Oskar and my dad today, Lamia and my mom did some refinement work on the Christmas tree decoration. You can still recognize the lovely prework – it’s just balanced...
View ArticleMercedes-Benz Museum (again)
It’s never good to lock two small kids in a house for too long. Or better said: it’s never good to be locked with two small kids in a house for too long. Kids are savages. But let’s talk about that...
View ArticleTraining the babysitter
After the success at the museum, Thomas decided that Oma was also the preferred option for feeding. The alternative was merely me, so maybe not such a big deal, but still…
View ArticleFamily tradition
Given I was around this morning, I could pick up on one of the yearlong traditions of my family: the photo I took for several years of my parents with their regular Christmas Eve morning visitors...
View ArticleChristmas, that is attractive people, happily gathering around a tree
I’ve got hence no idea how I got to be on this photo. Merry Christmas, everyone!
View ArticleModeling competition (not)
And then it was time for gift giving. This year I was opening most of Lamia’s and my presents, so that I would be on some photos, too. I was trying to do a decent job, but you judge for yourself. But...
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