The Chinese member of the family
Yesterday morning a photographer passed by Lamia’s room at the hospital, offering to take ID photos of Thomas. That makes a lot of sense: we will need them for applying for the French and German...
View ArticleThomas on the way home
He did not get a Mercedes and a very chatty driver like Oskar 2 years ago, but he still got a smooth and safe ride and the driver was very nice too, of course. At home, grand-mère was already waiting...
View ArticleWelcome home gifts
Agnes surprised Lamia (and me) with presents she got for Thomas home coming: a very sweet card, a stuffed animal and flowers.
View ArticleGee! – I have to get used to the size difference…
Oskar yesterday in his old cot which I re-assembled for Thomas… And this is Thomas in the same bed after we came home today…
View ArticleThe balloon bribe
It’s certainly too early to tell how things go, but so far we are so proud and super happy how Oskar is reacting to Thomas. In the hospital he curiously and carefully observed his little brother and...
View ArticleAn unexpected visitor
So the family was hanging out in the living room this afternoon, when suddenly the door bell rang. Now, you have to know we do not get many visitors. Especially not on a Thursday afternoon. Our life is...
View ArticleHaze
It’s once more haze season in Singapore. The last few days the PSI readings had already built up. Not to the insane levels of 2013, but it was reaching unhealthy levels. Here’s a photo I took yesterday...
View ArticleA few thoughts on the Apple event
Pretty big things must be happening in my life if my wife knows before me what #Apple announced yesterday… #bigday — Leo (@kritzeltweets) September 10, 2015 Yep, that was surprising. Thursday morning...
View ArticleBreakfast
When one is about to be fed, the other is not far away… Oskar continues to be very generous when it comes to sharing Maman. I hope so much it’ll stay like this, but let’s see.
View ArticleBuying a Nikon D7200
Okay, chill: not for me – I’ll stick with Canon, though I will agree that generally spoken, Nikon continues to produce better performing bodies than Canon. So, in the morning I picked up Hilal from her...
View ArticleOskar in the box
The Fairprice grocery delivery was late today. But they brought a great toy…
View ArticleHilal is visiting
After buying the camera for Levent with me, Hilal came to our place for lunch. Great to catch up and a bit concerning when hearing about the work atmosphere in Brussels. Things have certainly changed...
View ArticleRed zone, take 2
As you’ve seen before, Lamia’s red gym mat really makes for cool photos. Last time I’ve taken the photo with my 6D and the image quality was great, of course. But the effect of light and red is...
View ArticleHurtphones
I bought my Bose QC 15 headphones 4 years ago. And I love them. I do not want to get into discussions about audio fidelity versus other headphones on the market. The sound quality works for me good...
View ArticleBusy afternoon
This afternoon Oskar went through the stuff in my nightstand again. It has been a while since he did this last time, so there was a lot of work to be done…
View Article2
It feels like yesterday that Oskar was born and it feels like last week that he celebrated his first birthday. But he has already turned 2 today, and what can I say: he is such an amazing, clever and...
View ArticleTime management
A newborn is wonderful. When Thomas looks at me with his big dark eyes, I could melt. There are instances when he is not eating or sleeping or wailing, but just watching. And then he looks around with...
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