Da brat mir doch einer einen Storch! Tatjana ist gestern angekommen und heute schneit’s! — Leo (@kritzeltweets) December 27, 2014 I admit I didn't expect that winter would hit on the day of Oskar's...
View ArticleAfter the Wurst
Yesterday night, Joy – the second godmother – and Yann arrived as well in Germany. Everybody came over for lunch and my parents treated the French crowd to white sausages with sweet mustard and German...
View ArticleTraditional jigsaw puzzle
It’s tradition in Lamia’s family to do a jigsaw puzzle over the holidays. This was not different here, though they kindly only brought a 1000 pieces one (versus 2000 or 3000 they normally do). Lamia,...
View ArticleLast preparations for the baptism…
And while one part of the family was working on the jigsaw puzzle, another part was folding the program for Oskar’s baptism. Roughly two hours to go.
View ArticleBye, bye – 4 weeks are already over…
After hauling our damn, weight-maxed-out luggage one more time into the cars with Yann, we drove to Charles de Gaulle yesterday afternoon to get on the plane to Amsterdam. As always, Joy and Yann were...
View ArticleHome [Updated]
Don’t ask about the flight. It was better than when flying to Europe, but it was still super stressful. Takeoff from Amsterdam to Singapore was close to midnight and Oskar was sleeping when we were...
View ArticleTime stood (nearly) still
I am back in the office and I have a few hundred emails to go through. But that’s okay. I smiled when I saw that the “favorite movie” theme was still on the whiteboard, nearly unchanged (in fact,...
View ArticleA fridge magnet for Athika (Part 1)
Before I left for Europe, Athika from the downstairs Starbucks asked me whether it would be maybe possible if I could bring a fridge magnet from one of the countries I was going to visit in Europe for...
View ArticlePhasing in
Hm… workload this week is really manageable. Not complaining: I am still a little sick and super tired, so being able to cut my days short for once and leave the office at 4 pm (!) or even before (!!!)...
View ArticleA fridge magnet for Athika (Part 4)
Today: Brest. I like this one – it’s not as corny as most of the other ones.
View ArticleWhere do people like to go to?
Yep, I guess the new theme is not that popular. Maybe I gotta spice it up somehow… Anyway: I’ll let it go a few more days.
View ArticleBullet holes
While going through the drawer of my night stand, Oskar found my first iPhone – the original one that I go in March 2008. This was an awesome phone and it deserves the legend status it has. I loved...
View ArticleLike father, like son… again
The same cabinet that holds my old iPhone also holds the retail box of my current iPhone (I know, I know… but I just cannot throw away the packaging Apple makes – it’s just too great). On one of his...
View ArticleHow much for 4 weeks constant air con?
Ah darn, I totally forgot to tell you about something this week. I had had spent some time and thinking on how to avoid mold during our long Christmas trip to Europe. I eventually settled with having...
View ArticleSausage Fingers vs House of Cards
It all started with a hippo that Nagi gave to me over Christmas 2013 and it was followed by a Tyrannosaurus Rex that Lamia brought from Japan: Nanoblock – that Japanese Lego stuff. I ranted about the...
View ArticleA new regular in the mail — Leo (@kritzeltweets) January 27, 2015 My French is hardly good enough to understand anything that is written in Charlie Hebdo. It’s a newspaper I did not know existed till...
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