Random photo memory of the day
From the treasure chest. Another one from 2005, this time March: I moved to Brussels in March 2004 and a year later my parents and Carola visited me for the first time. This photo was taken on a trip...
View ArticleThe walk!
He boldly skipped crawling and is about to learn to sit… It’s not that he is really able to walk already. But we are of course super amazed anyway. His balance is a little off and if we did not hold...
View ArticleAnother beautiful week with Oskar
He’s nearly 6 months now and weighs 8 kg. He babbles all day long, doesn’t like tummy time too much, explores sitting, hits his daddy with his flat hand… Lamia: Tap, tap, tap! … and is on a good way...
View ArticleThe Sunday with the toe
So the plan for this morning went something like this: taking care of Oskar, go to the pool, taking care of Oskar and then meet Stefano and family at Jones The Grocer at Dempsey Hill for a nice little...
View ArticleRandom photo memory of the day
From the treasure chest. August 2005: After a bit more than a year in Brussels I decided to buy a new car. Since I got my Mitsubishi Colt in 1999 it had never let me down, but I felt it was time to...
View ArticleCelebrity
The trade press is catching up… Gian looks good on the “Plastics in Packaging” page. I did have to swallow hard for a moment seeing him featured as if he had actually worked on the project. But in...
View ArticleThey still have to do a thing or two…
… until the new building‘s really finished. Funny, though, to have these guys seemingly watching me for several hours a day.
View ArticleRandom photo memory of the day
From the treasure chest. August 2006: this one is actually featured in my blog (which started in May 2005). I do not write too much about this then and you can read the actual story here. This is one...
View ArticleMentally exhausted
I would love to write some more on the blog. I mean: beyond the short bursts I am currently pushing out which typically are some snapshots of what’s happening around me. I like to write. I’d like to...
View Article‘course he’s looking away!
The day where we finally got to the brunch with Stefano, Lucy and kids: and it’s the first time in 2 months that it really rains hard in Singapore. With thunder and lightning and stuff. Sure. Anyway –...
View ArticleVideo chat
I love the photo of the three of us in the small window… Hum. Alex looks great too, of course. :)
View ArticleOskar’s got a ball
We bought Oskar a ball yesterday. Lamia says that I am so proud to have bought my son his first ball. Maybe. A boy should have a ball, no?
View ArticleThe thing with the kids songs
When you are young and cool, you make fun of other people’s music. You make fun of Alex, because he was listening to Modern Talking. You laugh because Oliver goes through Volker’s CD collection and...
View ArticleRandom photo memory of the day
From the treasure chest. April 2004: I had just moved to Brussels and Volker came visiting over Easter. I recall that we made some roast over the holidays. Not sure what it was anymore… lamb maybe. I...
View ArticleJigsaw crumble
Recently Pascal started a jigsaw and once he had finished it, he made a little stop motion movie of how it disintegrates. It’s a nice job, really. I especially like that he did not simply remove...
View ArticleA few seconds of fame
Channel News Asia is not the place I’d recommend for getting the news, but this bit here is maybe interesting: P&G opens largest private research facility in Singapore This is a 2:26 minutes piece...
View ArticleOskar goes shopping
Every Saturday morning, right after the pool, Tess and I go to the supermarket and buy the groceries for the week. It has become a nice ritual. We even stopped taking the bus and now walk the 20...
View ArticleDer türkische Gernot Hassknecht erklärt die Türkei
Ich könnte das ständig rauf- und runterspielen und abfeiern! Wieder mal ein Knaller von der Heute Show: nach der unerklärlich erfolgreichen Wahl für Erdogan darf mal ein türkischer Gernot Hassknecht zu...
View ArticleItsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie… little pink umbrella
Today Tess and I went again alone to buy the groceries. But while generally the mornings in Singapore were dry the past weeks, this morning it was of course raining cats and dogs. Anyhow: we walked,...
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