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Since the beginning of June Thomas is going to school. This is particularly unusual for us because just a few weeks ago Oskar has entered the summer vacation period, so he is home the whole day while his little brother has to go to school.
So far I have not written about this and it has become one of the situations where I feel terrible that I have not yet "reported" as much on this important milestone as I did for Oskar. The truth is also that this whole experience has gone much more smoothly when compared to the one we had with Oskar. This is of course also due to us being more seasoned parents by now. Thomas is going to the same school we sent Oskar to, so we know what to expect and we know they are not a shitty place (like the first one that we tried out for a week when Oskar got started).
Lamia joined the first few days like she did with Oskar and Thomas did do pretty well. When she left for an hour on the second day and then even longer on the third day, he gave her the same desperate and heartbreaking crying of being abandoned that Oskar did. Call me a sissy, but I am glad I did not have to be there for that. Thank you, lamia, for taking another bullet x x x. These situations are terrible: it's the right thing for your kid, but there is no way you can explain it to them.
Since then Thomas has done really good. Once the first days had passed, Aggie brought him to the school every morning. And while he was also crying when she dropped him off, this stopped after roughly 2 weeks. Furthermore, he is a very healthy eater at the school, typically eating two bowls – that's a lot of food for a 1-year-old. And eating well in school is a sign that things go not too bad.
Thomas' development in general is remarkable: he does not speak much, yet, but like Oskar he understands when spoken to in German, French and English. Speech is slowly forcing it's way, however, and we can make out more and more things he is seemingly trying to say. He is such a smart little guy and everything he does has a touch of utter cuteness. The way he runs around, then maybe picking up a stool and carrying it dutifully where he thinks it should be, then looking under the sofa for a toy and then hearing a sound from the street and going into action to find out what's happening is so much fun.
He also wants and loves to help. He has started to show the same interest in cleaning as Oskar did at the same age and he wants to dress or undress or change his diaper himself. As mentioned above, he is still a healthy eater, though – relatively – he does not eat as much anymore as he used to. This shows also in the fact that he is less chubby now and by his body beginning to "streamline". I am curious how much he will follow Oskar's body growth.
And then Thomas has started to realize that he can demand things, and he is not shy in letting us know. I guess the "terrible twos" will hit us hard with this one.
But just like Oskar, Thomas is so completely and amazingly cute and sweet that it makes me smile just thinking of him.
I've said it before and I say it again: I cannot believe how lucky I am.
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