Yesterday I read about a new game on iOS called “Limbo”.
Limbo is a game that originally is from 2010 and debuted on the XBox 360 (hi, Jimmy). Some boy in a dark black and white world who is looking for his sister. Alrigthy. What I read sounded interesting enough and I bought the game.
And man was I hooked!
Different from other games Limbo does not explain what it is. There are no hints, no tips how to navigate your avatar. In fact, if you do not tap on the screen once the game is running, I do not even know whether the boy, who is lying flat on the ground in a creepy forrest, would even get up. But this is also part of what got me: the controls are really intuitive and easy to figure out.
And until I died gory deaths a few times in some mean trap, I did not even know what kind of puzzles I would have to solve and how to grab stuff and pull and push it around. But I figured.
Once you are solid on all the different things you can do in the game (which will not take long), the puzzles are actually not that hard to solve. It’s now one day later, and after 2 or 3 hours of playing I am nearly at the last stage. Doesn’t matter: the gameplay is just so immersive!
iPad and iPhone brought me back into gaming and I’ve played a share of games since I got them. But none of the other games so far have captivated my imagination and were as enjoyable as Limbo. It’s so creepy to run through this utterly dark and hostile world, but it’s never frustrating. And when you move on, it just makes you smile.
So yeah. Thanks for Limbo… something good that came from the XBox. Who would have thought that (again: hi Jimmy :) )?
Edit July 14: